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Pimlico Academy

Pimlico Academy

Introducing a new aspect of our curriculum: Social & Personal Education

This new subject offers our students an exciting opportunity to explore three different subject disciplines: PSHE, Citizenship and Religious Studies. Developed in response to feedback from parents, students and staff, and in recognition of the importance of students having more time to explore their identity and their place in the world, this subject has been implemented to better support our students in the task of navigating life healthily, safely, open-mindedly and successfully.

At Pimlico Academy we believe students need a safe space to discuss important topics and to explore them to a degree that will help students develop critical thinking skills, empathy for others and listening skills.  Social Science subject specialist teachers deliver this exciting and diverse subject. The curriculum has been mapped alongside the tutor time programme to complement and ensure that deeper conversations can continue in a timely fashion, rather than being rushed during a shorter tutor time slot. Students are given a reflective space to ask questions and consider a variety of topics from how our country is governed to the importance of mental health.  

Social and Personal Education is in place across Key Stage 3 and encompassing as it does the subjects of Citizenship, PSHE and Religious Studies, it is a rich, dynamic and challenging curriculum.